cloudiness question


i recently pulled out a mantis shrimp from my live rock and i decided to set up a 10 gallon for him after reading about the intelligence of the little guy. The water is directly from my main tank so the water is fine but i got new sand for him and filled the tank last night. The tank is still cloudy as expected after rinsing the sand a few times but its at the point where i can see the back of the tank. will the dust bother the mantis? I want to add him as soon as possible because hes only in a little bowl with no heater so the water is about 70 degreeish so when do you think it will be safe to add the little guy? thank you


Active Member
If the bowl is plastic and you have a sump, float it in the sump with a top or some way to hold it in place. That will keep the water warm. I would wait for the dust to settle.