Cloudy Coral Beauty


Beth, please help me save my fishy! I have a coral beauty that has been in my tank for about 3 weeks. He has been doing fine, eating very well and not hiding. I noticed a small coudy spot over one eye a few minutes ago as I was checking my fishies out. He has no signs of ich, just the right eye only is a little coudy. He is in a 55g with about 65-70 lbs of live rock, a perc clown, ocellaris clown, six-line wrasse, and an atlantic blue tang ( my newest baby). My salinity is at 1.022, amm 0, nitrite 1, nitrate roughly 10ppm, ph 8.2. I put some Pimafix in the tank just as a start and am trying to get my QT ready to transfer him. My main tank is a FOWLR. Thanks so much for your help.


Staff member
Why is your nitrite up? That should be zero, and this is very likely the cause for your fish problem. Fish have little tolerance for ammonia or nitrite. What happened?


Oops, i didn't realize I types 1 for nitrites, i meant zero. It's always been zero. I for some reason thought you meant my nitates were up, guess bc i thought i typed zero. Sorry.