Cloudy hippo tang


Hey gang…I just picked up my blue hippo tang on Sunday. We fed it in the store, and all looked fine. No white spots, ate, and all that other. I took him to my main fish guy, and upon investigation, he found that he had some cloudiness in his left eye, which I didn’t see in the store, and didn’t even dawn on me. He mentioned that it COULD be from stress, but no real way of knowing. Well 4 days later it seems like the cloudiness has gotten worse to where I can see it in the tank. What can I do to help my fish out? He is a great addition to the tank, and would hate to see him die…sigh


New Member
This is just a thought and not a recommendation by any means, especially since I am fairly new to salt water. I had a freshwater angel get cloudy eyes once and upon recommendation from someone of the angelfish forum, I dosed the tank with Melafix and her eyes cleared up within 24 hours. I don't know if Melafix is ok for salt water or not but, it's something to look into..........