cloudy eye with growth


New Member
a couple of days ago i noticed that my angel fish had a cloudy eye. it was buldging out a little. i have since put him in my med. tank and was treating it with maracyn. the cloudyness has went away but is is still buldging out a little and there seems to be a growth around the top of his eye. what should i do.


New Member
well i still have my angel in the med tank and treating him with maracyn.the growth seems to have gotten a little larger, not much though. sould i try maracyn 2.would that help at all. what is the difference
between the two anyway. thanks


Staff member
You can treat with maracyn and maracyn2 simultaneously. The medications completment each other, together treating gram - & + bacterium.
Keep water conditions good. This fish, however, may have permanent damage to the eye due to the infection---not uncommon with fish eye diseases. This is not to say that this fish is still sick just because the eye bulges, its just damaged. Judge wellness based on fish behavior. Leave in the hospital tank for a couple of weeks following treatment.
[ May 19, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


New Member
after a couple of weeks if it doesn't go away would it be safe to still put him back in the main tank? could it harm any of my other fish by putting him back?


New Member
the growth origanally started as hazy bubble over the eye. after some medication the growth turned into a brown growth. the growth looks kinda fuzzy and seems to be covering more of the eye now. no other signs of disease and he seems to be acting normal and eating well. any help?