Cloudy eye Yellow Tang


New Member
:thinking: Could someone give advice? I think my big Yellow Tang has got cloudy eye??? I did use oodinex ages ago on some disease and it killed all my fish corals etc? Could someone one please help me as i don't want to lose it!!!:scared:


New Member
:joy: Hey thats cool!! Never heard of this guy right enough! Anyway here they are Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Salt 0.025, ph 8.2 and Ammonia 0.20, i have got a clown fish, scooter blenny a lawnmower blenny a tiger shrimp and 6 red legged crabs! live rock and three corals, and pulsating xenia!! I've had my tank up and running now for 3 months, and i've the tang for 1 week now, its had cloudy eye for about 4days!:help:



Originally posted by Jjbroxi
Cheers, Where can i get aged and aeried saltwater? Or how? :thinking:

You simply make your own with what ever brand of synthetic sea salt that you used to set up your tank.
Mix it in a bucket or tub, or even another aquarium. Let it mix with a powerhead or other pump, if the powerhead has an attachment you can hook some air line tubing to it to aeriate or you can hook up a bubbler, airstone or something. Let this all mix for 24 to 48 hours. Then match the temprature and salintiy of your main tank during that period of mixing. This will ensure that nothing drastic changes when you do the water change.
Good luck