cloudy eye


I bought a 2 inch panther grouper 2 days ago and i noticed last night that one of its eyes is a little cloudy and popped out a little bit. Any idea of what this is and how i could treat it? The fish otherwise looks healthy and has eaten. I saw him eat in the store and he ate some food today. Thanks


New Member
:confused: So how do you actually treat a cloudy eye? My big Yellow Tang has cloudy eye and don't know what to do?:help:


Active Member
I agree with jwtrojan44. A large water change will often help. This worked for me the only time one of my fish got a cloudy eye.
If you are convinced that it wasn't from trauma (and particularly if the eye is bulging (likely Popeye), you can isolate the fish in a QT and treat with an antibiotic such as Maracyn2.


in a 60 gallon to relieve fish from cloudy how much of a water change would be considered a big one??