Cloudy Eye

In my 115 gallon tank my Flame angle and my yellow tang has one cloudy eye, Maracyn 2 does nothing. In My 225 gallon tank my Juv emperor angle has one cloudy eye. There is copper in that tank All my water test is PERFECT What can I do? Or will it fix itself and go away on its own


Staff member
Those tanks are pretty large to be medicating adequately. Copper and antibiotics will also hit your biofilter pretty hard.
Copper is not really a treatment for cloudy eye unless the cloudiness is due to parasites. Is it just one cloudy eye? How long have you had these fish? What are your water readings including nitrates, phosphates and pH?
I'm assuming you don't have a Quarantine Tank? Is your 2 tanks strictly FO??
I would quarantine them if I could catch them behind corals without ripping everything apart. 0 nitrates 0 Nitites 0 amonia ph 8.0-8.2


Staff member
You put Maracyn Two in a reef tank? How are your corals and inverts? Just so you know that corals and inverts just do not tolerate antibiotics. What dose did you use?
Antibiotics kills bacteria. Bacteria is the life blood of any marine aquaria....most especially reef tanks.
You will not be able to effectively treat these fish in a display tank. Please do not but antibiotics in reef tanks or tanks with LR, LS or inverts.

joe carey

I had the same thing on a few fish in my tank. A Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang and Royal Gramma. I put them in a QT tank and treated them with Spectrogram. Within a few days, they were all clear. Hope this helps. I did have quite a time catching them...I end up having to remove some LR, but I did save the fish and there seems to be no ill effects on the display tank from the "remodeling". I hope this helps. I would follow the advice of Beth and Terry closely - they are very knowledgeable.