cloudy eyes?


My yellow tang has gotten really pale in color with a cloudy film over its eyes. It also looks as though his side fins are torn a little. Is this some type of disease? The parameters are ph = 8.2, ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 20.


Staff member
Boston, how long have you had this fish? What are your water readings, including nitrate and phosphate?
Do you have a quaratine tank? It sounds like you have a bacterial problem along with possibly other problems. Please post some history you have with this fish, and your tank conditions.


I have had this yellow tang for around 3-4 months. He's the one that got ich really bad and I treated with hyposalinity, which took care of that problem. I have also been dealing with HLLE with him. I am trying to cure the HLLE by feeding him a variety of foods; Omega One, Formula Two, brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. I am giving him a liquid vitamin on a regular basis. The pale color and cloudly film over his eyes has just developed within the past couple of days. I do water changes on a regular basis. My water readings are listed above. I don't have a test kit for phosphate. I do have a QT... however I just got two new pajama cardinals a couple of days ago, so they are in the QT right now. I like to keep new fish in the QT for 2-3 weeks before putting them in the display tank, but are you suggesting I put the tang in the QT?? What do I need to treat him with?? Thanks for your help.


Staff member
Is this the tang that is now featured in the Diseased Fish Thread?
Post another picture of him, please.


No, this isn't that tang. The cloudiness in his eyes won't show up in the pictures I take. He doesn't seem to be doing very well. I just fed them and the tang didn't eat at all. What should I do?


Staff member
I'm sorry, I don't recall if you had a QT or not. Let me first recommend doing a water change. If that does not work, then you will need to move him to a QT for antibiotics. Hopefully, you have a QT ready to go. Do you?


Yes, I do have a QT. It currently has two Pajama Cardinals in it, that I just got last week. Do you suggest I go ahead and move the Cardinals to the display tank and put the Tang in the QT? Which antibiotic do you suggest I use? Is this disease contagious to the other fish in the display tank?


Staff member
What a dilemma. I can't suggest that you move the other fish to the display. It may be ok to do so, it may not.
All I can say is that it sounds like he has a bacterial infection. A good antibiotic is Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish.
Now, the other thought is that ich can also cause cloudy eyes. Could it be that this fish is still struggling with ich?


Well, I'm sad to say his struggle is over...... I went ahead and moved the two Pajama Cardinals to the display tank and put the Tang in the QT. I got some antibiotics and gave him the first dose, but it was just "a little too late". He didn't make it through the night.
However, the Pajama Cardinals seem to be doing fine in the display tank.


I was able to get some good pictures when he was first put in the QT. I can't figure out how to post them though. Any help?


Unfortunately he did not make it through Tuesday night. So, what do you think it was? Bacteria infection? Fungus?


Staff member
Boston, that fish was really sick. HLLE, severe infection and malnutrition/emaciation.
I wish you had talked about him sooner with us. What was he eating?
Can I have those photos to use here at


Yes you may use the photos. We feed him three times a day. He was eating Formula 2, flake, brine, mysis, and he had macro algea in the tank for him to graze on. We also added drops of vitamins to his food. I did order a grounding probe to try and help with the HLLE but it hasn't arrived yet. Not sure what else I could have done to help him. Like I said, three days after signs of the infection, he was gone. I didn't have much time to treat him.


Active Member
im sorry about your concern I have is the feding regiment you might want to cut back on the feedings to reduce the waste .have you tried extreme garlic for your tank as food help boost the fishes amune system.its aslo a good supliment to add directly to the tank when fish wont feed.


Staff member
Tangs need to be fed. They are grazers. If your tank can't handle that need, then don't keep tanks.
Pure fresh garlic is the best choice, not the hobby mixtures.