cloudy eyes


Nitrate is at 0.
Last week i had changed 40% of my water. However it wasn't aged water. Just instant ocean and tap water.
I am in the process of buying RO/DI. I was thinking maybe is in my tap water.
However i always use Prime with my water changes.
So, i have no clue


i don't think he's been harassed by anything. All i have is this yellow tang, porcupine puffer and snowflake eel. Nothing else.
As a matter of fact he harrassed my puffer and eel.
The eye seemed normal beside just cloudy on 1 side only.
If there's a bacterial infection, what can i treat it with?
well my clown had "eye clout" which is what your fish has. i used fungus cure for the dosage of my tank and it cleared it up in 4 days, and the water in the quarintine tank was only green from the med for a few days after that until the carbon pulled it out. if you have not used anything yet that is what i would suggest.


what did you use? what brand? and what causes that in the tank? if i quarantine him and place him back in the show tank, wouldn't it come back if i don't treat the show tank?
the brand is just called "fungus cure" they are brown capsules and they turn the water a lime green which will be gone when you replace the carbon. water conditions are usually the cause and it is usually the nitrates, if not treated it can turn into pop eye, which basically costs them the loss of an eye. if your water is fine then it is a true fungus. i treated both my tanks i treated him in my qt tank and then i also treated my show tank with one dose, so half of the regular dose for my qt tank good luck with it. you can get it at petsmart and it is only like 3.99