Cloudy / Hazy Water


I have a 24gallon jbj nano cube with
1 yellow tail blue damsel
1 lawnmower blemmy
1 queen conch
1 turbo snail ( size of 50cent peice)
3 small hermit crabs
36lb of aragonite sand (the live wet type from leading pet chain)
12lb of live rock
- 72 watts worth of 50/50 10,000k and 420 blue pc lighting on 12hrs a day with blue led moon lighting on at night
- upgraded filtration pump to maxijet 1200 295gph
- 100watt hydor submersible heater
- overflow rear filter; chamber 1 has foam; chamber 2 has black carbon and a bag of white carbon, bag of white ring things, used to have bio balls but removed them; chamber 3 has the pump, heater.
- seaclone 100 skimmer (modded for bigger reaction chamber) hanging on front of tank to try to clear it up (running for 3 days)
- temp 83'f
- Salinity 1.023 (aquatic gardens salt)
- Ammo 0 (verified with test kit and live meter in tank)
- PH 8.2
- alkalinity, nitrates, nitrites uknown at this time but several days before i ran out of tests, they were all good
calcium unknown
- I think thats everything you would need to know
The tank has been running for about 4 weeks now and my water has had this haze since day 1. Its not anything real bad just a slight haze that you can plainly notice. I want my tank crystal clear like I see in the pics on this forum and the lfs. All the animals seem to be healthy with great color. Whats the deal?


Active Member
I would get a pair of nylon stockings and put a good amount of activated carbon in it. Float this in a filter or other area of high flow. Rinse it daily.
I know you are already running carbon, but more carbon will help. Keep in mind that carbon only has a 2 week potency period in saltwater.