Cloudy, please help!!


New Member
Hi there everyone!!!
I really need some info here...
A couple of days ago my water started to get very cloudy and if I recall correctly it was right after I cleaned the glass. The glass was covered with a light green film of algea and now it seems the water is the same colour. I have got a very good filtration sytem and it doesn't seem to be removing the stuff in the water column.
( The Tank has been running for 5 months and I have never had a problem after cleaning to get the water crystal clear again within an hour or so).
Yes I did not have a protein skimmer but surely installed one yesterday (Aqua-Medic TF 1000 Multi).
NO3, NH3 tested 0 although I need to get a new PO3 test-kit.
I have a 100 G reef tank with LR, 3 " DSB and very good waterflow in the tank itself, all the fish and my cleaner shrimp seem to be doing fine. Does anyone have an idea what this could be?
Thanx for all your reading time.


Active Member
Is it possible that the cloudiness is actually very fine bubbles? That would not be unusual with a new skimmer install.
If that's not the case try running a little carbon to suck up some of the loose organics and maybe check your filter media path for a possible bypass. Sometimes media will move and allow a hole which allows water to move through unrestricted.
Other than those I can't think of anything.
Good Luck and let us know what fixed it!


Active Member
Mechanical filtration will remove the very small algae particles that were released into the water when glass was cleaned.
Or - IMO - these particles will eventually break down - and go away on their own.


i totally agree with both replies. i acutally used both. i have a canister filter with two stockings stuffed with carbon (..shh, dont tell my girlfriend :) ) it cleared my water right up.
good luck!


New Member
See you guys are the best!!!
thanks very much for the replies. You might have a point there and I actually did find a bypass, HOWEVER it is definitely some kind of an algea as I installed the skimmer only last night and this has been going on for about 5 days.
I will let you know what was the outcome and I think I will get a bit of carbon to polish the water again for my littlle ones sake...
Thanks guys and please add any additional stuff if you want to. I will keep on looking.
Till laterz