cloudy salt?!?


i just made my tank. added salt to my distilled water. have a 55g tank. its been about 18hours, and the water is still cloudy cuz of the salt. does it take longer to dissolve or do i need to do sumin else?


Active Member
Sounds like the salt wasn't fully dissolved when you added it.
Do you have powerheads? Are they on?:D


Active Member
Point one toward the top of the water and one towrds the middle. I guess there's no fish right? Let the powerheads blast and it should clear up.:yes: :D


Active Member
did you mix the salt in buckets first and mix it up or did you just add water and dump the salt directly into the tank.


i mixed it in the tank.. the tanks empty. 5 glass sides. so y mix it in a bucket?
my PHs are 300GPH. So when i get fish, do i leave it on full blast?
because i heard you need about 1200GPH rate or something?? so if i slow the PHs flow, wont that slow the turn over rate?
what do I do when I add fish to the PHs?


Active Member
The salt has to be mixed and toyally dissolved BEFORE adding the water to the tank. Use a large bucket and add a poerhead to it to make sure it's dissolved.
This should be done 1 or 2 days before you put it in the tank.
Make sure your salinity is within range before adding fish. Do you have LR in there? If you do your tank has to cycle before you do anything else.:D


Active Member
What type of water are you using? RO/DI right ?!?! If you're using tap water all bets are off!! otherwise:
If the salt you purchased is not bad you're fine - just keep the water moving and get your water temp up to the right level. sometimes it takes a little help too. Take one of yor power heads and sim it at the bottom of the tank, movig it all around the tank to really ge the salt to interact with the water.
you may want to check your salinity level and if after all this you can say "I still can't get it" then take a sample to the nearest Saltwater FS for testing.


im using distilled walmart water. i heard its fine. i just put LR and LS in it. i hope the cloudy goes down in a few days..
also when i added my LS, it made the water more dusty/cloudy.


1) did you had the LS & LR with just fresh water in the tank?
2) I sounds like a sand storm not a salt problem.
3) what is the salinity of your Water?
just let it run with the PH at full blast and it will settle on it's own. may take a couple of days.