Cloudy tank.


My tank has been a bit cloundy recently. I have 40 pounds of live rock.
My filtration is simply a protein skimmer and the live rock.
Anyone know how i could make my tank a bit more clear?? Maby a mechanicle carbon filter???????


what size tank
i have a 20 gallon
20+ liverock
and a emperor 280 filter with a biowheel i change my filter every 2 weeks and my water is fine and very clear


How long has the tank been set up? Although you're probably underfiltered, even if you don't have any fish in yet, the cloudiness is probably due to dust from your substrate, no matter how long you rinsed it before putting it in the tank. You should have something besides just the skimmer. Either a HOB filter or a sump. Get some .50 micron filter pads and put it in the filter and your water will clear quite a bit. If it's only recently set up it won't be crystal clear for a while. Hope that helps. If it doesn't you'll have to provide more info like number of fish in the tank, how often you feed, water parameter's, size of the tank, etc.


the tank size is 75 gallons ands its been up for a year and a half. I have 4 big agressize fish in it.
Im thinking a HOB carbon filter will do teh job. Do you agreee?? All my water permaiters are good.
Nitrates are 10-15


I hate to repeat this tired saying, but the general rule is 1 to 1 1/2 lbs. of rock per gallon. You have nowhere near enough filtration with only half that amount and a skimmer. If you're only going to add a HOB filter it should at LEAST do 900 gph. But you really should add more LR. Is your skimmer pulling anything out of the tank or is it running clean? It may not even be adjusted properly. Plus 4 BIG agressive fish in a 75 gallon is pushing it as well.


thanks for the help. Actually i have a bunch of power heads running and my turnover rate is good for a 75 gallon tank. I think im gona get some more live rock. And yes my protein skimmer is working properly and is pulling out alot of brown crap.
My main question is will adding a carbon mechanicle filter help make the water clear or should i simply look at more live rock?????
Tanks for your time!


Active Member
Adding carbon or a mechanical filtration unit, such as an HOB or a canister could possibly help clear up the cloudiness.
Also, check to make sure the cloudiness isnt just a film on the inside of the glass. I've had that happen before...the tank was cloudy and I tried all kinds of things to get it cleared up, to no avail. Then, realized that it was a film on the glass and it came right off, with a cleaned pad.


I woke up to a cloudy tank this morning. This is the first time I have ever had a cloudy tank. It turns out that my husband poured a bunch of shrimp pellets in the tank while I was upstairs last night because he didn't think the hermit crabs were getting enough to eat. Talk about overkill on the fish food. I scooped up what I could and am now running carbon. I also have my saltwater in a plastic bin mixing for tomorrow's waterchange. I run an Emperior 240 filter on my 40G tank, but all these shrimp pellets were just to much for it to handle.
Has your tank always been cloudy or could it be caused by over-feeding?


there was a long period of time when my water was crystal! But i think it could be over feeding. i currently feed my fish brine shrimp and mysis and they are big fish so much of the food piece they simply dont eat and this could defenatly be a contributer to the cloudyness. im gonna switch my feeding of them to fish cunks and such and im gonna get a HOB corbon filter.


Good choice Drew. I woke up this morning to a crystal clear tank after running carbon in my Emperor filter overnight. I am getting ready to do my water change now as well.
Good luck.