Cloudy Tank


New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank. I recently put some VHO lights on the tank. I added those about 2 months ago. Now the tank seems to be hazzy or cloudy. Everything in there looks healthy and clean. Does anyone know what could be causing that and how it can be fixed? I miss the crytal clear tank I once had. Help!


New Member
Double check your tank and make sure you don't have any dead critters in there. I just went through a similar problem with cloudiness and it was casued by a dead snail rotting in the tank. Which in turn led to further die off which caused a bacterial bloom. Could be something else for you, so do some tests and make sure your params are okay.


New Member
The tank is fairly new, about 6 months. I only have 2 green chromis, 1 royal gramma, 1 sally lightfoot crab, 1 arrow crap, and some yellow polyps. All test for amonia and nitrite and such all good. One person said it was the way the new lights hit the water made it look cloudy but when the lights are off I can still tell it is not perfectly clear.


New Member
Yes, the new lights did cause an algea bloom. Within the last week the algea seems to be calming down. I would normally scrap the glass every few days. Maybe i just have to wait a few more weeks for it to clear up. Does anything speed up the process????


Active Member
Run some carbon to clear it up and do a water change. Every so ofter my tank also get a bit cloudy for a variety of reasons, if you are sure your paramters are in check then all should be fine in a day or so.