Live sand from a bag really doesn't have a lot of "life" in it to kill, basicly just the bacteria you need to jump start your biological cycle...
You generally don't get alot of "pods and worms and stuff" from a bag they dont have a lot of "shelf life" so your live sand is fine, no need to change it, but as FlyDan said if you could get a cup or two from an established tank it would help in introducing some of the desireable lifeforms you need in your tank...the rest will come from your live rock.
You should remove your carbon for now, you won't need it till after you add fish and they clog up pretty quick with the fine particals in your tank and become useless anyway.
You could just turn the canister off for do want the fine particles in the sand bed to stay...unless your filtering out some other kind of crud you didn't mention.
Most of your biological filtration should come from/be established on your LS/LR so you don't need to run it till the end of the cycle.