Cloudy Water Help


I was wondering if there is anything you can do you clear up water? I bought some play sand and rinsed it in water and actually let it sit in water for several hours and emptied the water. Two days ago I put the sand in the tank with a little water (110 gallon tank) so the sand would be level. Then yesterday I filled up the tank with water and it is CLOUDY. Any one have any thoughts on how I can go about clearing up the water? or should I just wait a few days till everything clears up? :help:


You should have not used play sand. period. Not designed for SW Aquariums. It is silica based and compacts tightly. Good place to build up VOC's.


Actually its not silica base, and if it was it really wouldn’t matter. I did a lot of searching on this board before I bought the sand. PLUS its from old castle one of the more reliable sources for sand and MANY people have used it. I know several people that have used it with no problem, I was just wondering if they had to wait several days or it was clear from the start? any one with experience on this?


usually if you just let it be it will settle eventually. I had a 130 and by the next day it had settled, so I would say just give it time.

william c

What Were You Thinking .lol Play Sand Lol Not To Be Mean But Play Sand Is Filled With So Much Garbage You'll Never Get Your Tank Rite Spend The Few Bucks And Get Crushes Coral Or Live Sand Can Try To Run A Power Filter With Alot Of Extra Activated Carbon .but I Would Emty It Out And Get A Good Crushed Coral Its Not That Expensive 6 Bucks For A Ten Pound Bag At Most Places..


I have never thought twice about getting crushed coral at all....just read some of the comments about crushed coral and I bet you'll change your for live sand I really do not feel like paying 250 for about 200lbs of sand I would rater use that money towards a good on your comment that its filled with garbage remember that it can not be filled up that much junk cause KIDS have to play in it. So I doubt they would take that chance....also thats why you wash it so you dont get all that junk....Its only been filled up for a few hours and doesnt look that bad but I would love it to be clear but I guess I just have to wait...