cloudy water HELP


I have a 120 gallon FO ,up for about 6 months. Always had clear water up to about a week ago. I perform 40% water changes per month on average.
Nitates 0
Nitrites 0
Amn 0
ph 8.2
temp 77.4
The temp is down from 80.0, done gradually over the last week. Is it possible that the cloudyness is a result of dieoff from the cooler water?
I also added a Korilla 4 on wed, to increase flow. I did a water change this morning of 10 gallons and the tank appears even more cloudy. The fish all seem fine, eating etc. BTY, I feed once a day, very light on the food.
Any suggestions? This is driving me mad.
Thank you,


Well-Known Member
UV sterilizers really don't do much. Cloudy water is caused by a bacterial infection. I wouldn't recommend doing anything harsh at first.
Make sure that you have enough internal flow through the system and that you have adequate protein skimming to remove said bacteria. How much live rock do you currently have? Do you have a sump or a refugium? Do you grow any macroalgae?
First thing that I would do is add more flow and wait a few weeks. If it doesn't get better, take another approach. Usually cloudy water will clear up after a little while.


Is the powerhead pushing to much around. I know good flow in a tank is keen but its with the placement of the powerhead too.. just a ??
And like nycbob said carbon helps with Cloudy water


Thanks for the help.
I went to the lfs to have them check the water quality aswell. All was the same as my initial readings.
I did however have my phosphates at 1.0. Would this cause the cloudy water?
I bought a phosphate pad to put on the wetdry shelf, and placed the chemipure elite that was already in the sump on top of the pad. Also changed another 15 gallons of water.
I do have two sponges in the sump that were put in intially to try to stop microbubbles. My nitrates are low, however if they should be removed I can do that too.
As far as the UV, I have one that I'm not using and was contemplating hooking it up tomorrow, thoughts on this?
Thanks again.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
UV sterilizers really don't do much. Cloudy water is caused by a bacterial infection. I wouldn't recommend doing anything harsh at first.
Make sure that you have enough internal flow through the system and that you have adequate protein skimming to remove said bacteria. How much live rock do you currently have? Do you have a sump or a refugium? Do you grow any macroalgae?
First thing that I would do is add more flow and wait a few weeks. If it doesn't get better, take another approach. Usually cloudy water will clear up after a little while.

SmakeBlitz33 says it all about the uv