cloudy water (STOP PARASITE?)


SO I just got home and my tank is pretty cloudy....I believe this is more related to the use of "STOP PARASITE" then anything.... I tried getting the damsel out but he is pretty well wedged in there (in a cave) and I cant get to him. I do notice that there are to nasuis (spelling) snails next to him.. I will pretty much be doing daily water test to watch the ammonia levels and the ph (as the bottle says it might cause a small drop in ph levels). Hopefully the ich will clear up on the yellow tang and the tank will be done cycling soon....

d0 thy d3w

youve already got a yellow tang in acycling tank?!?!!? sounds like a soon to be fatality to me..ouch thats like..wat 20 bux gone?hmm..considering i have not experinced such let sumone more experienced guide you..but good luck


heres some test results...
PH 8.1
Ammonia .40
Nitrite 2.0
Nitrate 40
8/26 (at the petstore)
PH 7.7
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .80
Nitrate 50
PH 7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .40
Nitrate 15
8/29 (today)
PH 7.8
Ammonia .15
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 15


before you add fish wait untill everthing is zero the fishes lungs are burning and thats probalby why the tang has ick.


i'm definently waiting before adding more fish.... I lost a damsel yesterday (my first loss) But what about the cloudy water? is that the stop parasite?


Stop parasite does cause your tank to get cloudy but it will clear up with a little carbon when you are done treating. My main concern is your water parameters. Your Ammonia and Nitrite are high and causing your fish considerable stress. Can you move the fish to a qt and hypo them while your tank finishes cycling? You may have to remove some rock to get the fish out of there. I strongly recomend you do this. It is going to be very difficult for your fish to fight the ich while under that much stress.


Originally Posted by cmc3502
heres some test results...
PH 8.1
Ammonia .40
Nitrite 2.0
Nitrate 40
8/26 (at the petstore)
PH 7.7
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .80
Nitrate 50
PH 7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .40
Nitrate 15
8/29 (today)
PH 7.8
Ammonia .15
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 15
Did you do any water changes between these tests? I see some other issues here. Your pH is fluctuating daily which is also stressing the fish. Do you have an alk kit?


almost 5 weeks/ 40 gallons
i have LS and 14 lbs of live rock / 20 lbs of base rock
I have the aquarium phramicuticals test kit and I did a water change saturday afternoon


Originally Posted by cmc3502
almost 5 weeks/ 40 gallons
i have LS and 14 lbs of live rock / 20 lbs of base rock
I have the aquarium phramicuticals test kit and I did a water change saturday afternoon

Seriously I would consider that Tang gone... You added him way to soon and your #'s are flucuating very badly... Rasie the PH gradually to around 8.3 . You have to be patient. I think it will only get worse for your tank. Seeing that your new at this I would see if you can possibly QT him in a good LFS.


really?? I thought my numbers were getting better and things were looking alight..
the yellow tang is fine otherwise (eating, swimming, color, not scraping rocks or anything)


It is very likely that he will die if he stays in your tank. A yellow tang shouldn't be in that small of a tank anyway. See if your lfs will take him back and don't add anymore fish untill your Ammonia and nitrite read a steady 0.