cloudy water


New Member
I have a 46 gal bow for about a year now the water is hazy. The test kit registers 0 ammonia, 0 nitates & 0 nitrites. Ph is 8.2. I did a 10-20% water change an stopped feeding for 2 days. Is this a bacterial bloom or something else?


New Member
A hazy tank isn't nec. a bad thing. I've read that a tank isn't suppose to be like 100% clear. If it's white for a week or longer-prob. a bact. bloom, which is harmless-may actually be a good thing since it'll compete w/oportunistic organisms for nutrients(ie. ick). I tend to add probiotic bacteria to my tank 2x's per month as a preventative and it works. If your really concerned, get some water clarifier from CORALIFE and that'll clean everything up.


Active Member
A bacteria bloom is not a sign of a good thing nor does bacteria compete for the same food as ick, ick is a parasite. Give us a complete breakdown of your system.


New Member
Hi Jimi
Listen, I don't want to start a heated debate over this issue, but to just say that a bacterial bloom is not a good thing may not be 100% accurate. I need to retract a statement I made before and should've been more specific as to say if the fish where still healthy, then the bloom seems to be one of beneficial bacteria. I hold a masters in microbiology and trust me, there is a symbiotic relationship between good bacteria and bad organisms competing-not for food-but for basic nutrients-which is drastically different than what i said and may have been misinterpreted the wrong way!! How do you think humans stay infection free from superficial skin infections. We to have bacteria on 99% of our body competing for nutrients thus holding most other bacterias at bay. I may not have as much fish experience as you do but the basic principles apply. I've been doing this for 2 years and helping my friends for the past 4 and ever since we've been using this PROBIOTIC MARINE FORMULA-we've NEVER seen any problems w/the tank-bacterial or parasitic-w/only 1 exception(my 55 gallon infected w/hostile strain of ick). If this bloom was that of a hostile strain, the fish would be dead already. Also keep in mind, Probiotic bacteria is different than other species that may cause disease, ie. Pseudomonis sp.-which proliferates much much slower than probiotic bacteria-I should've made this clearer. Most of the time, if this condition becomes chronic and irritating, then a mild antibiotic can be used to clear up the tank water-not recommended. I find that most of the time it just goes away w/ mult. water changes along w/ using some tank clarifier and decreasing additional lighting/nutrients in the tank. I hope what i've said clarifies everything.


New Member
The fish are healthy: trigger,wrasse,5 damsels & hermit crab. I'm running a fluval 304 with 2 bio wheels and a powerhead with a quick change filter. I have carbon in the cannister and have used a marine clarifier. A little background: The tank was setup about a year ago with ust the cannister and it eventually got that white haze. My LFS suggested adding the Biowheel for increased biological filtration. No change. Another LFS told me two add a second biowheel. The tank cleared up after a couple of days and stayed clear until about a month ago. It progressively got more cloudy until now where you can't see through the tank.


Active Member
Kimcheese you are right there are definately good bacteria if there was not our systems, our bodies and world would crash. The only good thing about a visible bloom is it is multiplying rapidly to take care of something that is amiss. As far as good bacteria and parasite relationships. Just because you have good bacteria all over you it will not stop a tick or other parasite from burrowing into your skin leading to a possible bad bacterial infection. They do not compete for the same food.


Active Member
Redhermit I see you dont have a skimmer or may not have mentioned it. A good skimmer can go along way towards keeping your water clean.


I assume you are changing the carbon out monthly? If so, adding a skimmer would help as well.