cloudy water


New Member
I have a 135 gallon tank and my water is fine.The water in the tank is cloudy.I have a foxface,powder brown tang,chromis,yellow striped maroon clown, bicolor parrot.I feed them twice a day and dont know whats causing it.How do i get clear water? Im thinking about purchasing a protein skimmer or u.v. I have a wet/dry filter now. What should I do?Thanks for the help


Active Member
Tell us a little more about the setup... amount of live rock, live sand, lighting, additive used, etc. Also your parameters, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, calcium, alkalinity, etc.


Active Member
Also what size of tank is this? I know parrot fish will give you a good cloud. They eat the rock and corals "well not exactly the rock the algea on the rock and they take alittle rock with it" And when they poo it is like a big cloud of sand falling. And they do this pretty often "last I heard" and that could make your tank cloudy if it was small enough.


New Member
Well the tank is 135 gallon, the parameters are fine, I have about 40-60 pounds of base rock which are growing purple,red and green stuff on them. The lighting i use is just some basic utilty lights for a garage.


Active Member
You might want to change the bulbs. The lights are alright for fish only but they make special bulbs for reef tanks. The bulbs for it wont be good enough to grow corals but it might help cut down on unwanted algea growth. I dont know in a 135 it is a good size but if it was a big enough parot fish it could be the problem. Or something els in your tank could be fanning the sandbed "making a home" causing problems. You might try and run some carbon to help clear it up. That is the only thing I can think of sorry.