cloudy water


On thurs my shippment of fish came .
1- Cream angel
1-Yellow tang (small)
1- engineer goby
2-Perc Clowns
anyway today the water seems a little cloudy... the tanks has been up for 8 months with only one damsel in it, and about 90 lbs LR and a DSB
Could this just be a bacteria bloom? I have fed them everyday, prob to much just to see them eat and make sure everything was ok, but is there something else I should check.. ammonia levels were 0


USUALLY cloudy water is a bacteria bloom from die off-
That was a lot of fish to add all at once.
I would go ahead and test nitrites as well if you havent already done so.
Did you add anything else? like buffers or Kalk?
Do you have a skimmer?
The remedy is pretty much the same for everything-test all parameters, including hardness and then do a large water change asap.


nope all paremeters are fine.. I know its a lot to add at once, but If I was going to buy fish from this site I didnt have to much of a choice... skimmer yes.. so I dunno everything seems ok, ill see what happens