Cloudy Water


My DT has been in hypo now for a couple of weeks. My skimmer crapped out (waiting for a new pump) so my only real filtration now is my hob filter. i am running a regular filter pad with carbon in it. My water got cloudy about a week ago and has not cleared up. what could be the problem. There is no rock in there just a plain tank with sand and two fish. My parameters are perfect, and salinity is 1.009. Any thoughts?


Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
My DT has been in hypo now for a couple of weeks. My skimmer crapped out (waiting for a new pump) so my only real filtration now is my hob filter. i am running a regular filter pad with carbon in it. My water got cloudy about a week ago and has not cleared up. what could be the problem. There is no rock in there just a plain tank with sand and two fish. My parameters are perfect, and salinity is 1.009. Any thoughts?
Why is the salinity so low?