Cloudy water.



I have had very cloudy water in my tank for the past 2 weeks and cant figure out the reason. I bought some drops that were supposed to help clear it out, but they didnt work well at all.
What could be the reason for this proble
Originally Posted by alexmir
I have had very cloudy water in my tank for the past 2 weeks and cant figure out the reason. I bought some drops that were supposed to help clear it out, but they didnt work well at all.
What could be the reason for this proble
check everything. filter pads, powerheads(nothings in them), use a little carbon to help clear it out.


Originally Posted by Mtennant
Get a UV Steriliser.. That would help you alot!!!!

The people at the LFS said that it was bacteria die off because i just had an increase in my levels. Is this possible? The UV sterilizer would help?
Also, the guy who posted about the organic bloom, does this have anything to do with corals? If so I have a fish only tank.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
The people at the LFS said that it was bacteria die off because i just had an increase in my levels. Is this possible? The UV sterilizer would help?
Also, the guy who posted about the organic bloom, does this have anything to do with corals? If so I have a fish only tank.
no i had it with a fish only tank,if the bacteria is dead then the uv will do nothing you need somthing to filter out what is clouding your tank IMO


I had an alge bloom one time before I got my UVS. It was bad and multiple water changes didnt help. Got the UVS and my tank had never looked so good.