cloudy water


Hello, I just got home and the water in my tank is cloudy. Did a water change monday, Just checked my chems they were ammonia-0 nitrates-0 nitrites-0 ph-8.4 salinity1.023 sg-30. I have a 33gallon tank running carbon in a penguin 200. I also am running 1 power head pushing 160gph. I have 2 clowns 1 chromis 5 snails 3 hermites all are acting fine. I guess I will wait till morning to go to lfs to get somthing to clear it up. any ideas?


Active Member
Do not add anything to clear it up. You need to find out what is causing the cloudiness.
How old is the tank? Is any live stock missing?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Lots of things can make the water temporarily cloudy: snails spawning, something digging in the sand, etc. As Lion_crazz said, it's not that unusual for a new tank. As long as the fish/inverts are acting ok, give it a few days.


Active Member
Good advice here. Just monitor for the next few days. Are you on any water change schedule yet?