cloudy water


Active Member
Hey guys I have a problem. My water is cloudy. My tank has been up and running for about 2 months. My water has never been crystal clear and I don't know why. I have 90lbs of lr and 4in DSB. I have a wet dry filter with bio balls and a filter floss sheet on top. I do use a skimmer. I also added a hang on filter with carbon but still no luck. I change all my filter floss and sponges to try to help the problem. I also bought some Kent Marine Pro Clear to see if that would help but still no luck. I'm not over feeding IMO I cut back to once a day for now. I tested my water and all looks within acceptiable ranges. Any ideas??


You mention you "cut back on Feeding to Once a Day"....
How often did you feed before...?
Also what are your readings on Calcium....?


Active Member
I was feeding twice a day once in the morning and once at night. My calcium shouldn't matter because I don't have any corals yet.


Active Member
What kind of filter floss are you using?
I used some once that made the water have a milky look. Got rid of the floss and water cleared up.
Also, are there any sand areas which could be constantly stirred up? From a PH or something?
Good Luck!


Active Member
I'm not sure what kind of floss it is. And there is no area that sand could be stirred up. I have no idea why the water is cloudy.


do you have enough circulation? powerheads, pumps, etc? i may be because you are not moving the water enough... IMO


Active Member
Cloudy water is not always a result of particulates in the water.
The question of your calcium level was asked.
Calcium-Alkalinty levels can affect how clear or cloudy the saltwater appears. Basically it may be a situation of calcium carbonate falling out of solution.
Running tests on both of these may indicate a problem with the water chemistry.
Then again - may not.


Broomer you right on the $$$$$$$, it happened to me before, it snowed in my tank too much alk, drives down calcium, so you add and add and add calcium til the h2o is saturated with calcium and it comes out of solution. result, cloudy h2o :rolleyes: