Clove Polyps ?s


I bought a frag of clove polyps about a month ago and they have spread very well. They have also changed color. They now have neon green tips instead of being just pink. I assume this is ok, but they have been opening up smaller. Any ideas? I'll try to add a picture onbce it uploads.
Also, the LFS has gotten in a different kind of clove polyp that I really like. They have neon green center with yellow veins. Very pretty. Now if I'm not mistaken, I have seen these going online for a whole lot. This rock is about 3x4 and covered and is $65. I would get it for less as I have some things to trade in. Is this a good deal?


Active Member
i dont have experience with clove polyps, but most corals change colors becasue of change in lighting or nutrients in the water. green is usually associated with phosphates, do you test for p04?


Phosphates were at zero a couple weeks ago when it started changing color. They are placed higher in the tank, if that is helpful and they are the standard PCs that come with the nano cube.


Active Member
Mine are high with 4x 96 PC. Mine are all pink and the tank has little to no phosphates ever. But they do spread like weeds given the chance. I think the green is "sorta" a neat color. Good luck with them, keep us posted as to the color changes. Warren


Active Member
that's a great deal for neon green center clove polyps! I just bought a rock with about 7 polyps for $60 yesterday. They usually cost about $15 a polyp.
I also have another rock with clove polyps and the tips turned neon orange... they are so cool!