

Active Member
Hey all,
I have never posted in the Aquarium before, but I just got back from watching the biggest waste of $10 and 2 hours of my life.
I was soooo excited to watch cloverfield and finally went. Well lets just say its like going to a suprise party and the person never shows up.
If you are interested in going to see it, DONT!! It is shot in all first person using a camcorder and it is like my daughter (4 years old) was filming it. I got sick in the middle of the movie cause of motion sickness and the creater wasnt even COOL...
Heed my advise and go spend your money at the aquarium or buy a nice frag. Christ, buy a damsel it will be more worth your money.


Active Member
after doing some research at a website 1-18-08 . Com I found out some cool information and the movie has now entered into my good graces. THere is a voice that comes on after the credits role and it is creepy.
THere is a sequal in the making...


Active Member
haha i think the only reason a lot of people didnt like this movie too much (including my step brother) is that they got motion sick from all the jerky camera motions.... i have the stomach of steel (coffee, coke, and candy during the movie) and i loved it... but puking during a movie probably is a bad thing for most people.... i personally loved the first person filming, i thought it made the movie 100% better and more realistic


Alot of people didnt like it cause it was not an ending you liked. But it did get you thinking what if that was you.I thought the camara movement is realistic because an average person with an average camara running will have the same effect.


Active Member
I really liked the movie as well (mentioned in other thread). I also don't have a problem with motion sickness. One tip would be to sit as far back in the theater as possible.
Campbell, that creepy voice means something played backwards.
Linn, I dunno what everyone is expecting throughout the movie, the very first image (the text) pretty much spells out the end...


Active Member
well my turnaround came from the vast amount of research I have been doing since seeing the movie.
I also got on a pirate site to watch the film again and saw what I missed while I was in the bathroom.
The voice played backwards says one of 2 things...."We're still alive" or "Its still alive"
VERY creepy


Active Member
I saw a drawing of that thing and thing is some wierd crazy looking thing. Seems realy stupid to me. Would you realy recommend it?


Active Member
The voice is after the end of the credits.
Mike, definitely a recommend see, esp. in the theaters, it won't be the same at home.


Active Member
funny your the third person that I've spoken with that has said that they hated the movie then they couldn't stop thinking about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
funny your the third person that I've spoken with that has said that they hated the movie then they couldn't stop thinking about it.
I haven't even seen the movie and it's always on my thoughts. I read the story line on wikipedia, seen a drawing of the thing, but I can't stop thinking about it. I guess I'll be going this weekend to go see it then, hopefuly.