clow fish help (not myn)


my friend just got a new clarki and his other one acts really odd. he will swim next to the new one and like snap its jaw and make a loud clicking noise (like one a mantis would make) and then today they were fighting and the old one bit the lip of the new one and now she has a mark????? i have read up on all clown fish and i have never heard of anything about this... of corse i dont like clarkies so i just skimmed threw there section.
thanks for your help


Active Member
sounds like they are establishing which one is the dominant .... sometimes it works itself out and other times the one clown will kill the other.
Are they the same size fish?? if so then I would think it could be a huge battle for between the two clarkii's .... if hte new one is smaller it will most likely concede and then be hte male .... if they are hte same size they might both be females @ this point and it could be a long hard fought battle .....
good luck