Since I started this thread and since so many people were so helpful, I have to write about a very happy ending:
I first introduced my beautiful/fairly large LTA. It starting floating. I told her "", and I turkey basted her wher I wanted her. Luckily, she stayed there, happy near a corner with sand and rocks with a moderate flow.
My two clowns looked at her for a couple of days, getting closer and closer. The other fish also looked with great interest.
One morning, I noticed my smaller clown was in the LTA. that before I even turned the actinics on. He left when the lights were on.
The next day, he was in and out of the LTA all the time. The bigger clown still looking from a short distance.
Two days later, both were hosting full time (in and out and alternating)
What a great satisfaction for an aquarist. I hope the same happy ending to everyone with a new anemone.