clown acting strange


I have a 55G with two perculas, one lawnmower blenny, one three stripe damsel, one cleaner shrimp, and an assortment of blue legged hermits and snails. Water parameters are stable. Recently the clown has been swimming in one spot under a rock ledge and has his mouth wide open. He is still eating, but will not come out. He does not appear to be sick, just freaked out. The two clowns were added to the tank last week and the other clown is fine. Could he still be getting adjusted, or maybe scared of the damsel? Any suggestions would be great, thanks!


scared for his life from the damsel. Get rid of the damsel, the clown is super stressed.


Active Member
I would take may chances and stick the damsels in a bowl (or the refuge if you have one). That clown might not make it 'til Monday. :scared:


good idea, the clown is acting better after I turned the lights off, he came out from under the rock. The other percula is hanging around him as if he is trying to be his buddy, they really like each other so I hope he makes it!


Just added percs to our take and our 6line wrasse attacked them w/ a vengeance. One of the percs got popeye from being so stressed. Couldn't catch the wrasse right off the bat, so we got a clear piece of tupperware, drilled holes all over it, put the clowns in it to protect from the wrasse. Next day the clowns were doing better. 2nd day we caught the wrasse and removed it from the tank, released the clowns and the popeye is almost gone. Maybe try doing that to separate your fish till you can get to the store.


I caught the little damsel and put him in a seperate bowl, and the clown is doing better. He is still breathing with his mouth open but is swimming well around the tank. He has joined his buddy and looks better. That is a good idea though, I had to move my lr around to get the little thing. Might be a dumb question-- but what is popeye?


When an eye starts to pop out. go to the disease and treatment section on the forum and look at the first two threads. one explains it and the other shows pics of it.