Clown Adopts Bubble Coral


Active Member
I'm so pysched! My clown has adopted my bubble coral as it's friend. Just had to share some pics! When folks think about reef tanks this has got to be one of the things they think of first. Makes every penny spent worth it!


kris walker

Active Member
I agree, be very cautious with this relationship. The bubble I've had in the past was easily aggitated. Just keep a close eye on the bubble. Good luck.

nyy fan

This is a very interesting thread since I have clowns, but have strayed away from adding an anenome because of the BB negative feedback. Now it seems like bubble coral may be a problem...
Is there any type of coral that will do well if clowns decide to host within? It seems as though the clowns decide this more than we do. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


i say a clown that is in a bubble coral or the like, needs an anemone. imo.
here's a pic of a plate coral after a maroon clown host...not pretty.


my perc aggrivated my flowerpot to the point where
I had to move the coral to another tank (easier
than catching the clown) the coral is much happier
and the clown is finally looking at the bubble tip I bought her a year ago


try Sacrophyton (Leather Coral, ToadStool coral)
the FAMA few months back have recommend the Sacrophyton instead of anemones.


i had a false perc also, and bought an anemone, and it paid it no mind. mine never bothered anything. just played in the current all day.
my roomate has a maroon clown, which is the one that tore up the plate coral. the maroon always had an anemone until it died off here recently. i think HIS maroon clown WILL benefit from another anemone, unless he wants to keep throwing money away on corals that get torn to shreds.
not all clowns need anemones, but if your corals are being damaged from clowns using them as hosts, then an anemone would be nice to have instead of torn up corals... that was my point.

kris walker

Active Member
IMO, I think an LPS coral is a worse choice than an anemone for clownfish considerations, but I am no expert, and have never owned a clown. Now for general tank stockings, I agree, I think LPS is better than anemones due to the higher anemone mortality rate in captivity encountered by many aquarists.
Jumpfrog, I would be very interested in updates about how your bubble fairs with the clown in it. It is a very interesting topic to me.
Cheers all,

nyy fan

As I said earlier, this is a most interesting thread. My clowns are doing very well without any type of host (they actually like to hang out under the PH intake). However, by upgrading my tank (lighting and skimmer), I would like to put in a couple of corals eventually. Who knows...the clowns may choose to stay around the PH for all I know, but if I am going to add a coral, it sounds like the hammer, frogspawn, and leather might all be options to survive a clown hosting.
Thanks to all for the input.


I have a pair of false percs that were very interested in a bubble coral I added to the tank about 6 months ago. A few days later I added a hairy mushroom and they immediately abandoned the bubble for the mushroom. It is now about 6 month later and the mushroom is huge and the clowns live in it very happily (they even perfer it over my anenome). It has become my experience that the mushroom is very resilent to clownfish torture and they seem to like it better.


Active Member
This turned out to be a great forum. Thank you everyone for your input. One of the most fascinating aspects of this is that the clown makes the choice and all "we" can do is react. I appreciate the heads up to watch for the bubble's stress levels and deal with that if it becomes a problem.
What is even more interesting is that during the day when the bubble is fully extended the clown really doesn't pay him much mind. Spends it time in the current or playing follow the leader with my yellow tang. About an hour before the white lights go out the clown starts hanging around the bubble and snuggling up against the bubble's skeleton ont he bottom. The the lights go to actinic only the clown start hanging closer to the bubbles. As the bubble starts retracting "getting ready for bed I suppose because he did this long before the clown arrived" the clown starts getting closer and closer and eventually will roll around in the polyps. The bubble does not react at all and seems unplused by the activity.
By morning the polyps are completely retracted "as normal" and the clown is hanging out around the bubble. Once the lights come on the clown goes back to his current and tang pal to start the process over.
I'll let you know if I start seeing any stress.
Interesting stuff to me :)