Clown agression


I was wondering at what point will a Percula clown fish change s e x? I have two small percs ( about an inch and a quarter) who have grown up together so to speak. One is slightly larger, maybe a quarter of an inch, maybe less.
I have noticed lately that the larger one will charge and slam into the smaller clown. There are no marks or signs of damage on the smaller clown but "he" will bob up and down after an attack and try to nuzzle the other clowns side and "rear" end. I dont know if he is trying to pacify the larger clown or what.
The clowns are always side by side and follow each other around the tank so I was wondering if perhaps one is going through "the change"
Any insight on this would be much apperciated
Thanks guys n girls!


Active Member
I thought the larger clown would generally become the female and show dominance. Not sure when or how to tell when the s e x change is occurring.


Active Member
This sounds like a pair reaching sexual maturity. They will still generally get along; but the larger female will need to display her dominance from time to time. (like my ex-inlaws). With Perculas, there isn't the huge size difference between genders, like there is with larger clowns. (maroons, Tomatoes, etc ) But, with time the size difference will become more obvious; and so will the female's dominance.



thank you, that sounds about like whats going on. One is definately more dominante.
Do they end up eating their eggs most of the time? Or Fry? I know people put terra cotta pots in their tanks, is this for the eggs to adhere to?
Thanks again!