Clown and Anemones ??? what to do?


I currently have a "reef tank" that I picked up from a friend.
it only has one fish
a clown (cinimon or maroon, I'm not sure which) he's only got the one white stripe near his head

he's about 4 years old or so, and has been alone in the tank for at least a year or so.
he killed the 3 damsels I introduced (within 4 days)
I don't have an anemone yet.
my goal,
I would like to have a pair of clowns that will host a nice anemone
do I need to give away the agressive clown and start with 2 new ones?
if so,
what should I look for? I want some "non agressive" fish (so I can get more fish)
what kind of anemone's should I look for? what do the clowns like most?
thanks in advance,


Active Member
What size tank is it? Clownfish in an established tank can and most of the time will be very territorial. Some species are worse than others. In your first pic I believe thats a cinamon clown or a tomato clown, the second is a maroon, they are known to be more aggressive than other species. Tank size will determine if anything will be able to coexist with the one you have now, but by the sound of it I am guessing its not gonna work.
Saddle backs, false and true percs, skunk clowns and B&W ocellaris generally have a milder personality and seem to take to tank mates better. As far as an anemone goes, BTA's seem to work well but you dont need one to have a clown fish. And anemones require special care pristine water quality to exist in your tank. Also intense lighting is a must nothing less than t5HO.
Hope this helps...


the pics are of "Example" cinimon and maroon from
the tank is 48gal (I think)
the clown is over to the right
I'll try and get a good pic to identify him this week


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
What about your lighting what kind is it and how many watts?

I'm not sure what it's called
it has a 55w ballast (power supply)
and the hood has 2 sets of "double bulbs" they look like flourescent with one blue and one white per set
I was told they were "very nice" lights
and were some good company out of germany


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
What about your lighting what kind is it and how many watts?

I think it might be "Power Compact Lighting"
it looks kinda like this:


Active Member
I would guess it is too. If you can get the name off of it, that would help. But under the safe assumption they are PC lights you would need to do some upgrading to safely have an anemone of any type.


If upgrading lights is an issue I always recommend a toadstool leather or something else that is hardy and has long poylp extensions. Clowns will try to host almost anything. However, if it is a maroon that is 4 years old, you almost definatly not be able to add another maroon to the tank esp. since its killing damsels already.


Active Member

Originally Posted by KrautBurner
the lights are

50/50 55watt
2 of them
I hate to tell you this, because you were obviously told somthing else. They are not German and IMO Coralife has the worse lights available in this hobby for keeping corals. They are PC's for sure and are the least efficient and least effective in coral propogation as far as lighting goes. T5HO is your best bet IMO and then there is Metal Halide.


I'm not too heartbroken,
I didn't pay much for the tank,
and the lights light up the tank very well.

are they not enough light output for an anemone?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrautBurner
I'm not too heartbroken,
I didn't pay much for the tank,
and the lights light up the tank very well.

are they not enough light output for an anemone?