clown and anenome


New Member
I've been think about getting an anenome for my maroon clown. He spends a lot of time hiding behind a rock so I thought an anenome would do us both some good: he can hide, but I can see him more easily. I know you need special lighting for anenomes but could someone fill me in on the specifics? Right now I just have a 15 watt GE Aquarays bulb that came with my hood on my 20g. Do I need a whole new hood and bulbs, or can I just replace the existing bulb with another one?


New Member
Unfortunately, 15 watts is not nearly enough light to keep an host anemone (more like roughly in the ballpark of 100 watts or so in the correct spectrum). If you are serious about getting an anemone, I encourage you to research very thoroughly beforehand. They are beautiful creatures but can be difficult to keep. Read as much as you can first. Here are some links to get you started with more info about their care and feeding and lighting requirements
Here are a few good anemone links.
A homepage with lots of anemone links-
An article by marine zoologist Ron Shimek-
More links-
Also do a Yahoo search for the following article- "Keeping Anemones" by marine biologist Rob Toonen. It's an excellant article with great info, but this board blocks the address so I can't post it for you.
[ May 20, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]
[ May 20, 2001: Message edited by: Picasso ]