clown and butterfly questions in new tank


New Member
I have a 15gal tank (i know its small) and have just converted it into salt water. It's been running for about a week and i've tested the sality,temp, and ph numerous times.....all checking out ok.
I added some fish. One Tomato clown, and one latticed butterfly (rafflesi). It took me about an 2 hours to add the fish, following the stores procedure.
In the tank, there is sand and one peice of coral (for now).
My question to you is....
The butterfly just hides in the coral, 24/7....i have yet to see him swim around the tank, and the clown also hides with the butterfly. I'm feeding both fish marine flake food, but i've only seen the clown eat once....other times, he spitts it back out. I don't know if the butterfly is eating or not.
Any comments on how these two fish should act? or what type of food they should be eating? or what else to add to the tank?
I just don't know how these guys act, what to look for if they're happy or not.
Thanks for your help


New Member
The coral and filter was from my old tank.....i was told that the bacteria will also help with the nitrates ect., and keep the tank cycle. is this true?


New Member
ok.....shoulda checked with you guys in the first place.
I'm going to return the fish....if i can. It would have been great if the store told me these things.....i told them exactly what i did, and they were like "ok your ready". I've done some research but obviously not enough.
Fish aside....i'm going to order some live rock. How much do you think?
I'll then let it "cure" for about a month? Watching the algae growth, wich should slow down while the live rock is curing. Change the water every week...about 2 gallons or so.
once the live rock starts to grow...
then i'll start out with some algavores, crabs or snails.....and let them do there thing with the "clean-up" of problem algae.
then if everything goes well.....i can go for a small fish.
does this sound like a plan?
What should i be feeding the clown and butterfly. They said flake food....but i would think frozen worms or somthing....flake food sucks. Just incase they don't take them back.
Thank you so much for helping me with my amature questions...haha