Clown and Damsel?

Can you keep clowns and damsels together?? What do you think of putting a damsel in the tank to "test" and make sure tank is ready- It has cycled but I don't want to waste money on a expensive fish when I can "test" with a damsel. Help?!?:confused:


Active Member
You can also test with chemicals. That may be your better route. That way if the water quality isn't good you don't have to try to chase down the damsel and take him back.
The test kits are a "required" item anyway.
Just my $.02


Active Member
I did exactly the same as you are thinking of doing. I put Yellow tail blue damsel in newly cycled tank. Later I added 2 clowns and the Damsel took an instant dislike to them.
I ended up returning Damsel to LFS.
In my opinion only buy a damsel if you really want one, but they are nearly all territorial and adding them first increases this problem.


you could also have the LFS test your water & see what results they get & if they match yours...but clownfish & ARE type of damsel fish & can be just as agressive & territorial as other damsels...
now if your resutls match LFS, than go ahead & add a clown fihs that you do wish to keep & skip the other damsel...test the water a week or so later again & see what results you get...if OK, add you can also add a cleaning crew should not result in too much of a bioload if tight size & not made up of other fish...
I think I will try two or three tank percs- my LFS says that one will probably die anyway (pessimist) so...that will leave me with two- are they as hardy as damsels????? In the traditional sense??


Active Member
One will die anyway????? It would be very good for the LFS if everyone bought extra fish in case one died. Don't listen to him and do some research, books, boards like this and internet.
I have had 2 since my tank cycled - 3 months. They seem hardy enough and mine eat allmost anything.
Which tests have you done on your tank water?


everyone puts damsels in to cycle a tank but if you put rock or anything in there you will never get the dam damsel out. later in life they become a real pain is the a**. I have tried everything to get mine out of the tank to no avail, just have to wait till I move the tank. they are territorial and aggressive. they may pick on your clowns, I have clowns with mine but the clowns are much bigger and keep him in line.
Uh...ok guys- I think I'll skip the damsels- I have heard way too many horror stories on this board- I'll keep clear of the so called "damnsel" Hee Hee.
Thanks- as always.


New Member
I have had this one damsel from the very beginning and he has been a bit of a pain. I even caught him once and was about to take him back but I put him back in (lol).
I moved stuff around a bit after I added new fish and he hasnt been too much of a problem after that. Just added a tomato clown and the clown is doing great.
30 Gal tank
Tetratec PF 150
Corallife 50/50
8lbs LR
Purple pseudo
bullet gobby
tomato clown
striped damsel


I also went through the Damn Damsel Cycle. Pulled my LR out of the tank and into a bucket to get at those little buggers. Much happier with my set up now. Every one with a good personality.