Clown and fake Anenome


Just a little funny here...I bought 2 tank raised Perculas...never seen an Anenome says my fish lady.
Well..the first night they took up residence in a large pink silk plant, lots of swaying stalks and leaves. Its really cute! They hide in there, sleep in there. I think they think its an Anenome. It must be instinct rather than "being with an Anenome in the wild" type thing.
These guys ate from day one.."minute" one really..and are really great.
They'll run out and attack anything that comes near..very interesting! I was going to take the plants out..I got them as cheap hiding places till I could get more L/R, but I guess this one stays! :cool:


Silly Queen
Thats great your fish are doing well. I also just got a clown this weekend. What do you feed yours i am wondering? Mine seems to sometimes eat a very little bit of the flake food. Today i am getting him some blood worms.
Also.. I was i was lucky as you.. i bought an anemone for my clown and he swims over it but never has been in it!
You are having some good luck :) :p
Sort of like a plastic plant? We had a member on here who created a fake anemone out of rubber bands tied together than one side cut but the outcome was bad. Thanks for the info I don't have enough light on my tank for a real anemone so maybe i'll try a silk one.


Becky..mine eat frozen brine shrimp with a vengeance..thats what they fed em at the fish store. I also crush some marine pelletts between 2 spoons to make em small and they eat them too.
Hermit...Im gonna try to post a pic in a minute. You can look for the post and see the plant, its silk..I got it online, they make em especially for marine tanks. They are like plastic only more realistic looking..they sway nicely with the current.web page