Clown and Pod help

driver 8

New Member
Long time reader (which has been nothing but beneficial) but am a novice poster. I have a couple of questions I was hoping a few of you saltwater gurus could assist with.
1. My reef tank is about two years running and at the roughly 3 month stage it was infested with copepods. Over the next few months they multiplied tremendously. All of a sudden the larger amphipods began appearing (and multiplying) and the copepods have seemed to have gone extinct. Did the amphipods have a feast and run the little guys out of town?
2. Bought a false clown which happily enjoyed the tank for itself for about three months before I decided to add what I thought was a smaller (looked it at the LFS) potential mate. After 3 weeks of QT threw him/her in to the main display. Newbie (bigger to my dismay) immediately took over and has been pushing the smaller one around ever since … nothing vicious, but definite "this is my tank" dominance. Last few days the smaller (original) clown has been breathing very heavily which has me concerned. All parameters are fine and no signs of injury or ick at all. Ideas? Could stress cause this from being bullied around? Sorry, forgot … clowns have been together for about 1 month
Sorry for the novel and appreciate all your assistance. Be thankful I don’t post that much

bang guy

Pod population are always changing. You still have Copepods and there will be occational blooms of them.
Are your Clown hanging out in the same spot or seperate corners? If they are in seperate corners then you will need to remove one.

driver 8

New Member
thx for the info.
They seem to be "acquaintances" rather than mates or enemies, which is what has me confused. When the larger one does the bullying the smaller will run for cover then immediately swim right back and shake. I am aware that males will do this in the presence of a female to show their submission, yet the larger pays him no mind. Is it possible that the larger has yet to become a female and this is the reason for the lack of interest? Or will a male only shake in presence of a female?