Clown Anemone?????


I have two Ocellaris clowns and they won't even go near an anemone in put in the tank. The anemone is a Sebae with purple tips. I was told this is their favorite but I would guess now that it isn't. Can someone tell me what kind they like so I can get them one.Thanks in Advance, Don. P.S. I don't know if it makes a difference but my circulation in my tank in heavy. Its a 125 gallon with Mag 1800 GPH ( about 1000 GPH at head )for return and three 400GPH power heads for circulation. Every thing in the tank appears to LOVE the vigorice circulation.


New Member
I am by far no expert but I have found that when I introduce a new inverterbrate for my clowns that it has taken up to 2 weeks for them to get to know each other then it was love.
Originally posted by dcm22:
I have two Ocellaris clowns and they won't even go near an anemone in put in the tank. The anemone is a Sebae with purple tips. I was told this is their favorite but I would guess now that it isn't. Can someone tell me what kind they like so I can get them one.Thanks in Advance, Don. P.S. I don't know if it makes a difference but my circulation in my tank in heavy. Its a 125 gallon with Mag 1800 GPH ( about 1000 GPH at head )for return and three 400GPH power heads for circulation. Every thing in the tank appears to LOVE the vigorice circulation.

mr . salty

Active Member
It took my clown a week to pair up with the carpet I put in.........STEVE
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 08-17-2000).]

big ed

New Member
Hi there. I have also been in search of an anemone for my oscelleris clownfish. Here's what I've learned so far. E Quadricolor is supposed to work, although they haven't hosted with the E. Quad I put in there a month ago. E. Quadricolor (bubble tip/rose anemone) is one of the easiest anemone to care for. Their "favorite" is the Ritteri anemone, which most pet stores do not carry because it has almost 100% fatalaty rate during shipping. I understand they will also host with a Merten's carpet (Mertensii). Which can also be difficult to keep. Hope that helps.


Heteractis magnifica is supposedly the natural host for this fish, although there are other aneomones they will go in. Sometimes they will even ignore the anemone and take up residence somewhere else. Just the other day someone told me they had just bought the natural anemone for a particular anemonefish, then when they released the anemonefish they swam straight past the anemone and into a Sarcophyton coral!
Anemones are also pretty hard to care for and require intense lighting I hope you have at least 4-5 watts per gallon. The high circulation is a good idea, too.


not to be the bearer of bad news but the simple truth is sometimes clowns may not like your anemone even if it is a healthy's just the way of life...... some people you like some people you dont........i am not saying this is deffinately what you are experiencing but it is a possibility imo hth