Clown attacking feather dusters...


After existing together peacefully for almost a year, my b & w ocellaris has begun vehemetly attacking my 2 large feather dusters, biting them and tearing off "feathers" every time they come out. I was thinking of putting them in my sump for awhile to see if he can get out of the habit. Will dusters survive ok in a sump or do they need any light?
I had Maroons that did the same thing.When they get nip on to often,the dusters will throw there whole crown.If it happen too often they will die from starvation.With my Maroons it was territorial,Anything close even hermits were nudge or lifted away.I moved the duster to the opposite side of the tank.


Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Dynagirl- adorable pic!!!
Toooo cute.
I am interested to know, why the clown is attacking. ? Anyone?
Thanks...those are my "boys" sitting in my girls' chairs!
I have tried moving the dusters to different place, but as soon as he spots them, he goes
after them. Maybe I should get him an anemone? My tank is just over a year old,
so I have been hesitant to try one. The clown actually hosts the remains of an open
brain that he hosted and killed....


New Member
That's weird. :notsure: I just bought a feather duster yesterday. After I put it in my tank, my Sebae clown started attacking it. Of course, I placed it away from where he hosts a large saddleback carpet anemone, but he is still going after it. Hopefully, someone will have a suggestion for us both.
I moved mine to the opposite side closer to the back of the tank.This is on a 72gal.
What size tank?A host won't matter,they will still attack your duster.You may have no choice but to get rid of your duster.