Clown Breathing Heavy and Hanging out at bottom


Hello I have 3 Clown fish, and recently the bigest one started breathing heavy. Actually I went away on vaction for a week and put one of those 7 day disoving feeding things. When I came back I noticed the big clown was breathing heavy and when I went to feed them normal food the big one did not eat...and he usually always goes after the food first. Now he has not eaten in 4 days and hangs out in the corner almost laying down. The other two clown fish are acting normal. I did a 1/2 water changed just in case about a day ago however the big clowns behavior has not changed and it looks like he is starting to lose weight.... any ideas?


Ill check the water again today but it was within limits yesterday, Ive had all 3 of these fish for over a year without any problems and nothing has really changed other then me feeding them the vacation meal thing..nothing unusal about the skin either...I though when I first saw him breathing heavy he ate to much or something as he always takes large pieces and stuffs his mouth...but he has not recovered from this...


The fish is now at least moving around more, however still not eating. Im not sure that the clown is acutally breathing heavy but its mouth is opening and closing very quickly...also this is the largest of the 3 clown fish, I assume this is the this any sign of pregnacy?


Originally Posted by erenninger
The fish is now at least moving around more, however still not eating. Im not sure that the clown is acutally breathing heavy but its mouth is opening and closing very quickly...also this is the largest of the 3 clown fish, I assume this is the this any sign of pregnacy?
Can you please post your actual water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp? Did you have an auto top off going while you were away? The feeder may have caused some extra ammonia in the water but if this system is over a year old then that should have been broken down quite quickly. Did you check your SG when you got home?


Staff member
SG is too low. I would do a water change. The bottom line, those feeders are totally inadequate and your fish basically went wo food for as long as you were away. The downside of keeping tanks is you can't leave them without expecting something to go wrong.


Originally Posted by erenninger
uhh..sorry the sg is 1.019
What do you normaly keep it at? The sg wouldn't go down. There is a piece missing from the puzzel.


did water change and SG is in range and wan't changed for some was getting low as i topped off a few time with non salt added water.. i do have two other clown fish in the tank that are doing just fine along with snails and clams ect...its just the big one with the problem, opening and closing his mount non stop and not eating.