Clown compatibility

what fish are good to group with 2 tomato clowns in a 55g? My female clown is about 3" long and chases the male all around. I am hoping she isn't a bully and beats up whatever I put in.


Active Member
My clown does fine with anything that is small and submissive, I've kept a royal gramma, sixline wrasse and clown goby with her no problem but she fought with a CB Angel the same size. All fish are different though.


Active Member
in my 55g i have a 3in maroon, eibli angel (best friend of maroon), hawaiian blue puffer, fairy wrasse and a lawnmower blenny.
most blennys, gobies, and wrasses should be ok. also if you get a fish bigger than the tomatos you should be ok as well as smaller. the fish will learn where they can and cannot go very fast lol