Hi. I brought home a pair of juvenile perc. clowns about three days ago. I got them as they were being delivered to the pet store so they never came out of the suppliers bags until they got home. I put them in my fifty gallon tank and noticed that one was a bit off from the beginning. His dorsal fin was down and he was almost stiff in the way he swam. Neither one of them swam in the erratic up and down fashion that I see clowns do. Anyway, the morning after I got my clowns I noticed some lateral line erosion on the smaller sickly one and that night he was dead. There is no sign of ick on the clowns. Today I have noticed the other clown looks like he is on his way out too. I have fifty pounds of live rock, lots of assorted algae and caulerpa which I keep trimmed to avoid reproduction. My water quality is perfect, salinity right were it should be, no ammonias no nitrites or nitrates, no phosphates, nothing out of the ordinary. General hardness and ph are okay as well. I have a wet dry system, protein skimmer, biodenitrator, phosphate remover pads, u.v. sterilizer and all of this is rated for tanks a bit bigger then mine. I have a hepatus tang that has been in the tank for about a month and he is thriving. He eats well and is quite active so I am thinking that the fish may have been sick when I got them. I have live rock and two cleaner shrimp as well as a blood shrimp. I keep the tank at 76 degrees. I think maybe picking out a fish at the store and having the store hold it for two weeks may be a good way to go next time just to be sure. Does anyone have any tips to prevent this from happening again? Is it safe to use the same supplier for other fish?