Clown died

veni vidi vici

Active Member
My True Perc. flopped out of tank last night
i dont know how he made it through canopy ,but he did. My son was devistated so i went out and picked up two small False Percs. Now i have new troubles.My Gold Banded Maroon is chaseing them around. My question is will this stop or do i need to think about new living spaces for the new Percs?


Active Member
Well you cannot mix species of clowns. Marrons are most likely the meanest of them all. Your going to have to find a new home for one of the 2 or the Marron will make sure that they do not survive.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Well you cannot mix species of clowns. Marrons are most likely the meanest of them all. Your going to have to find a new home for one of the 2 or the Marron will make sure that they do not survive.
are you positive on that? the last one got along just fine with the GBC


Active Member
You cannot mix clowns especially with maroons as you are now seeing . Just because you got away with it for a while doesn`t mean it is safe to do so .

veni vidi vici

Active Member
*SIGH* well i guess ill have to put them in my 25g then .they are gonna have to tough it out for a day though till i can get it prepared.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
You cannot mix clowns especially with maroons as you are now seeing . Just because you got away with it for a while doesn`t mean it is safe to do so .
Did not know
I do now.


every problem that arises does not have a 100% rate of the ending. I have several different types of clowns in my 55gal. and have not had one bit of trouble out of them. the oldest pair has been in there about a year and the newest 3 mos.


My guess would be that it was the Maroon who caused the first perc to jump in the first place.