clown diet


ive had my oc clowns for about a month now and they will only eat brine. ive tried feeding them marine flakes but they just wont eat it. it seams like there too haute class. lol is there anything else i can feed em for a balenced diet or is brine only ok???
any advice/experience is appreciated
flame :D


They do tend to get kinda set on brine :) Kinda like a kid with candy! Try some blood worms and/or marine supreme. Mine seem to like it. My clowns also like veggies on occasion, especially the "fish gum drops" brand.


New Member
Mine are stuck on brine shrimp as well. To keep mine healthy, I soak my food in selcon and garlic (minced up finely and crushed in tank water). I was told to try msys shrimp and formula frozen food...I plan on getting some this weekend.