clown eggs...what now?

My anenome moved and I noticed what the clowns had been up to:D
Is there any chance of baby clown survival? If so, what do I do to give them a fighting chance?
I have the capacity to set up a breeder tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by rangermonroe
I have the capacity to set up a breeder tank.

Not much you can do now. I'd do some research and get ready for the next time (mine spawned about every 15-20 days or so for a few months) Its a LOT of work and its going to cost you a little.
Well, I put a little tiny clown in with my 3 year old one and halfway expected them to fight.
They both live in the same anenome now, but I didn't expect them to breed within two months of being introduced!
When I mentioned the breeder I meant that I could set up a tank to raise the fry in if I were able to catch some of them.
I remember a few mo0nths ago, bangguy's "nemo" that I believe was tank hatched, but he caught the fry somehow.


Active Member

Originally posted by rangermonroe
When I mentioned the breeder I meant that I could set up a tank to raise the fry in if I were able to catch some of them.

The idea is to take the eggs out before they "hatch" ... Hatching them is real easy, keeping them alive is the hard part. You need different types of foods and most of it is something you just don't buy, you have to growraise it.
I know Bang will be able to add more. He probably knows more about this stuff then anyone else here.


Yes, an extreme under-taking. Search for the thread "Raising clownfish:101" Lots of info there. Our Clarkiis are mating also, but dont have the time or means for such an undertaking. I'd love to some day. Good luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by rangermonroe
So do you scrape off the eggs and put them in a nursery tank?

Your not doing any searches are ya:rolleyes: The idea is to have the fish spawn on a slate tile, rock, brick, piece of glass, flower pot or what ever, then remove that to the "nursery" tank
No haven't done any searches yet:notsure:
But I am going to bed, gotta get up and drive the big red truck in the AM.
'll do some searching at the station tomottow.
thanks golfish! gnight
Well, I did a search...and things are not looking good for this batch, unless my LFS has some rotifers.
The eggs are getting silvery in color and you can see them waving to &fro in the current. I guess hatching is iminent.
It's kind of odd. The anenome ( a big green carpet) moved from the back of the tank, where he was pressed against the glass, up to the center on (where I wanted him), exposing the nest.
When I saw the eggs, about 3-4 days ago, I thought it was a sponge (I have a lot of pink and purple sponges) but then as the eggs developed I noticed the"polyps" and thought that my Green star p. had reproduced, but the clowns weree paying a lot of attention to it and were unusually aggressive to me.
Then yesterday evening the "lights went on",
Well, thanks for the help, and maybe in a month I'll have enough lead time to have a batch of rotifers and brine to have a go at Bang guy's passion. Plus it will make a really cool science project for my daughter.


Active Member
I've heard that when the eggs look silvery that's when you put them in the breeding tank, because hatching is near.
However, they are still in the fish. I beleive Bang once said something negative about the first brood (if that's what they're called). I can't think what it was though. :D
I find it hard to believe a LFS even has baby percs. Did you actually see them? :notsure:


Active Member
I remember hearing that the first couple batches suck and shouldnt be saved since this is their first time spawning. After they get the hang of it they will produce every few weeks then you should start harvesting.
Mine are maroon clowns...not percula's. No I didn't see the LFS store's, but I know the guy and I believe he was refering to his personal tank, They have babies oftentimes in the store that are very tiny.



Originally posted by rangermonroe
My anenome moved and I noticed what the clowns had been up to:D
Is there any chance of baby clown survival? If so, what do I do to give them a fighting chance?
I have the capacity to set up a breeder tank.

Suggested this book to me and is very helpful.
clownfishes by joyce wilkerson


Active Member
actually the better way is to let the eggs hatch and transfer them over to another tank with a big bowl.


Active Member
clownfishes is an AWSOME book which is deatailed and has step by step instructions from choosing the right clowns to the mated pair to raising them.its great
Well, I just set up a clown nursery. A 10 gallon that I had lying around, with an airstone and a heater. I took the big flat rock that the clowns had laid this batch of egg upon and put it in there. This is their third batch of eggs. Should have some younguns in about three days, we'll see how they fare