Clown Experts: Are perc pairs better?


I am planning a 16 gal bow so I know I am limited in how many fish I can have. Originally thought a pair of percs and maybe one of something else, but upon further review it appears I may be better off with just two fish total.
Are percs better kept in pairs, or could I just go with one perc and something else? If so, what do you think would make a good tank mate?

bang guy

A single Perc will do fine.
If I had a 16 a Pair of Percs and a pair of Clown Gobies would be good IMO.


Not to second guess you bang guy, you are the resident clown expert, but you really think 4 fish would be ok in my 16? I just don't want to overcrowd. I do really like gobies, so I will probably go for a clown goby. Thanks for the suggestion!


I'm in the process of setting it up now. I received the tank, stand and hood for Christmas. I need to upgrade the hood because I want to have some corals. I'm looking at a orbit day/night system with dual 40w daylight, dual 40w actinics and lunar lights.
It came with a HOB Whisper 30 filter. Do you think that would be ok considering I plan to run a protein skimmer also? In process of researching those now. Plan to use argonite/live sand substrate and approx. 25 lbs. live rock.
I tried salt a few years ago and did everything wrong (got all info from LFS), so taking my time and learning as much as possible before I start this time. How does everything sound? I'm open to all suggestions.

bang guy

This is my opinion. You should check with others.
I would skip buying the filter and get a better skimmer and about 300gph of waterflow.
With that much waterflow the sand will perform all the filtration you need.


The filter came with it, so I'll probably throw it on anyway. Can't hurt right? I plan to get a good skimmer, I never realized it but it sounds like that is more important than the filter.
Which skimmer do you like?


Active Member
CPR Bakpak would be great on a 16g. Very good skimmer, I use one on my 36g, and it's at a very reasonable price.