Clown Fairy Wrasse??


So my boyfriend just got one of these for his tank and I've read/heard a lot of good about this guy just wanted to get your opinions on it. Can't get a great picture of him cuz he's a speedy little thing but I tried...



my LFS has one in like every single tank, so I'm assuming theyre very peaceful and beneficial to the aquarium. But that's just a guess. Sorry I can't do more = ( I'de buy one for myself, but they're like 40 bucks here and for that much money I'de rather get a large coral of some sort. =


Tricolor Fairy Wrasse, Solor Wrasse, Solar Fairy Wrasse, Red Head Wrasse, Solorensis Fairy Wrasse
Feed a varied diet of frozen prepared foods, minced fresh table shrimp, and a good flake food. Feed at least twice a day.
min tank size 30 gallons and they are reef safe.
they are nice especially if you end up with a male their colors are gorgeous!!!


No problem there since he's in a 75 gal. Seems to be quite happy too!! Acclimated so much quicker than anything else we put in there


Agreed on the top. I had a really nice one that jumped threw a small hole, and died on the top of my tank...
Feed him well, he will color up nicely..... Soak his foods in Selcon....


Are they a peaceful wrasse? I have wanted one for quite some time but not sure if they get along in a community tank?..any thoughts?..
KerriAnn...what other fish do you have yours in with?


I have one and he is in with 2 other wrasses, a firefish, a yellow tang, a clown and a foxface along with different crabs, snails and shrimp and he bothers no-one at all. He actually swims and has buddy up'd with my sixline real well.


they can be aggressive for a fairy wrasse..i have owned 3 and two were a little nasty..and the big one i had was one of the best i ever is 2 pics of the males i had...the first pic is the big male i had he was almost 5 in..and the 2nd pic was a smaller male that i had he was 3in..i have to look for a pic of the other one i had
