I have two smaller clowns (1-1.5") in a 30g. How much often should I be feeding. The LFS says " couple flakes each once or twice a day"
This seems like a lot, no? What would you recommend for these clowns as far as flake food (TetraMarine Saltwater Flakes)?
I've also tried feeding some frozen Marine Cuisine but have not yet figured out a good process for not causing a snowstorm of defrosted food 'bits' that eventually cause nitrate and phosphate spikes, etc. Seems like the frozen foods, even when defrosted, rinsed, etc. still are so small more gets deposited on the bottom than eaten?
This seems like a lot, no? What would you recommend for these clowns as far as flake food (TetraMarine Saltwater Flakes)?
I've also tried feeding some frozen Marine Cuisine but have not yet figured out a good process for not causing a snowstorm of defrosted food 'bits' that eventually cause nitrate and phosphate spikes, etc. Seems like the frozen foods, even when defrosted, rinsed, etc. still are so small more gets deposited on the bottom than eaten?