I didn't drop in for any leg pulling sessions my friend.
Just a harmless question to see if anybody has a Perc
that eats almost anything that falls in the tank. I've
had the little guy for 16 1/2 years now, and like I said,
he eats what we eat. Sometimes you can't believe
everything you read in the pet instruction manual.
Believe me, this fish loves chicken, fruit, any type
of small insect or worm, anything even remotely
scented with garlic he wolfs down. I keep waiting
for his arteries to harden, but as I'm an AARP member
now, there's a chance he'll outlive me. Anybody got
one that's lived over 20 years? I'd sure like to hear
about it.
Please don't think that because this is my first post, this is
my first fish or my first tank. Been messin with salt
since 1972. Started long before any type of wet/ dry's
protein skimmers/ algae filters or any other of the
modern day BS. I've maintained tanks for 36 years
straight now, and if it swims, I've probably had one
of them at some time or another.
But, I'm always learning something new about these loveable
fish, and there seems to be plenty of information
available here, I hope I'm welcome.